The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality for the period 2016-2025 is developed in the context of the strategic vision of the European Union for stimulating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth which aims to unlock the European, national, regional and local potential for economic growth based on scientific research and innovation.
The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation takes into account a wide range of stakeholders, by providing the achievement of synergic long-term collaboration among representatives of local authorities, universities and scientific research institutes, business, industry and non-governmental organisations. The aim is to establish and adequate link between the market needs and opportunities, by focusing efforts on stimulating fields with added value for the local economy and with a competitive profile on European and international scale.
The strategy of Ruse Municipality is developed in the context of the priorities set in the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Republic of Bulgaria 2014 – 2020 and in accordance with the priorities of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of North-Central Region for the period 2015 – 2020. The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality is also in compliance with the priorities of the National Development Programme: Bulgaria 2020, The Action Plan of the Danube Strategy “for unlocking the potential of the economy” and the strategic planning documents of Ruse Municipality for the period 2014 – 2020 (Municipal Development Plan and Strategy for Investment and City Marketing).
The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality 2016 – 2025 formulates the following vision for development: “By 2025 Ruse is a municipality with competitive economy, whose development is based on concentration of entrepreneurial, technological, scientific, human, cultural and creative resources for stimulating priority economic sectors and effective use of the scientific research and innovation potential”. The vision of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality is specified in the following strategic objectives which set the main directions for development until 2025.
The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality identified the main priorities and measures, which are included in the Implementation Plan of the strategic document for the period 2016 – 2025.
Strategic objective 1 Improvement of the institutional framework and infrastructure for development of the research and development activities and innovation for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
The strategic objective provides for the achievement of results in two main directions. Firstly, it envisages improvement of the institutional framework, which is within the competences of the Municipality for establishing and/or improving the conditions for development of the research and development activities and innovation. Focus is placed on the role of the Municipality as a mediator between the public sector, science, education and business for creating a structured dialogue between the stakeholders.
The other direction of this objective is aimed at the implementation of infrastructure, “hard measures” for development of research and development activities and innovation for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. By creating, equipping and/or modernising different centres in the field of research and development and innovation, Ruse shall become a municipality with competitive innovation and scientific infrastructure for development of economic sectors with potential for development. The realisation of this strategic objective will be implemented through the following priorities:
• Priority 1: Promoting links between public sector, science, education and business
• Priority 2: Creating and modernising infrastructure for research and development and innovation
Strategic objective 2 Accelerating innovation processes through intelligent management of available resources
The strategic objective is aimed at accelerating the innovation processes through management of the available resources – entrepreneurial, technological, scientific, human, cultural and creative in a way which ensures their effective, purposeful and sustainable use. Dynamisation of the innovation environment is envisaged through transfer of knowledge, experience and good practices, including (knowledge, experience and good practices) on cross-border and transnational scale. Attention is also paid to capitalizing the benefits of unleashing the available ICT potential in Ruse Municipality. For the purpose of smart specialisation, ICT instruments will be used in the design creation of processes, related to resource management in the Municipality. Additionally, the promotion of Ruse Municipality as an investment destination with a focus on the economic sectors with high development potential is set as a priority, the implementation of which will have a positive impact on the creation and development of new technologies and on increasing the added value of the competitive portfolio of the Municipality. The realisation of this strategic objective will be implemented through the following priorities:
• Priority 1: Transfer of knowledge, experience and good practices in the field of research and scientific activities and innovation
• Priority 2: ICT for smart specialisation
• Priority 3: Promotion of Ruse Municipality as an investment destination with a focus on the economic sectors with high development potential
The implementation of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation is a dynamic process within the framework of an effective partnership between central and local authorities, industry and academia/scientific circles, the non-governmental sector and all stakeholders for reaching a common understanding for the ways and means for achieving economic growth. Universities and scientific research centres are among the most important local assets, capable of contributing to building the profile of economic development. They play a key role in the process of creating and multiplying knowledge. The concept of the “knowledge triangle” unites education, research and innovation. By their nature these three elements are also key factors for strengthening an economy, based on knowledge and innovation.
The "Knowledge and Growth" project competition launched by Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation for the second consecutive year with the support of Econt Foundation fits fully in the context of the Innovative Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Ruse Municipality for the period 2016-2025.
The “Knowledge and Growth” Programme is focused on projects that provide greater opportunities for access to knowledge and which create conditions for free human development. Projects providing opportunities for the development of the personal and professional qualities and skills of people through acquiring knowledge and practical experience. The programme will support projects in the field of history, science, education and new technologies. Focus is placed on uniting various organisations and institutions in finding solutions that bring long-term benefits to as many people as possible.
In relation to its developed and adopted Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation for the period 2016-2025, Ruse Municipality joined the European Commission's Platform for Smart Specialisation, created to support member states and regions that develop their strategies in this area. More than 160 regions and cities across Europe have developed (upgraded) and/or are in the process of developing innovative strategies for smart specialisation.