The faces of Ruse

The team of Ruse University in Shell Eco-marathon Europe 2016

The vehicle of the team of Angel Kanchev University of Ruse got 409,5 km with 1 kilowatt-hour energy at Shell Eco-marathon Europe 2016, that took place June 30-July 3 in London, England. The Ruse team finished at 11th place in the general ranking. This was the team's third participation in the prestigious international race.


Two ladies were pilots of the electromobie - Iliyana Minkovska and Suzan Mehmedova, and the team that spent months working on improving the vehicle included representatives of the Transport Department, the Agro Industry Department and the Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation Department of Ruse University – Associate Professor Vasko Dobrev, Associate Professor Simeon Iliev, Geogi Kadikyanov, PhD, Associate Professor Dancho Gunev, Associate Professor Georgi Hristov, Associate Professor Plamen Zahariev and Tsvetomir Gotsov.


The participation of the Ruse University team in the event was supported by Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation and BH - Social Project of Econt.

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